Wednesday, April 1, 2009

hit and miss

So, I'm a little hit and miss with posting, but I always come back. Here are some fun videos and pics.

Here is the first picture Adam had Logan take of the two of them.....

And here is the second one, when Adam told Logan to smile.:)

Pregnancy is going as well as can be expected. What a good sport...still has a smile with 3 1/2 months left!

Adam's super, great, wonderful bday party!

We've gotten more use and fun out of those balloons than I thought possible.

Okay, so this was not my doing. I was icing cupcakes and so I put him in the chair so he could eat one and I would be able to keep my eye on him and this is what came of it.

Adam sporting his bday gifts.
We had just read a Doctor Suess book that had thunder in it. The thunder goes "boom, boom, boom," so here is Logan reinacting it later.


Zilles Fam said...

Wow! Adam is such a trooper helping you be pregnant! :) That's what I call soul mate! ha haha!

Clari said...

omgosh! what a handsome boy logan is! i love how he shoves his whole hand in his mouth eating his cupcake, that was hilarious.

Natalie said...

oh! why aren't our boys growing up together!! They'd be the best of friends! We miss you! Happy you're on the count-DOWN to your next little one :)

Eric and Brynn said...

Happy Belated birthday Adam! We made cupcakes and ate them for you. Yea, we are that cool! Miss you guys! Hey Ginny, can I get the zilles's email address? Thanks!

Cristine said...

What a neat eater that Logan is!!! You should see what Hayden looks like after a meal...that's Chad's son for ya! Nice to see some pictires of your guys! Hope you are all doing well!