Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Time To Settle In

Well, the time has come when Adam, Logan and I will no longer have to drive a Uhaul across multiple states, moving every eight months. We were offered a job here in Marquette and decided that's what we should do, so here we are and here we will stay for at least a few years. We are feeling more comfortable with the area (just in time for a snowy winter) and the ward members are great. So, here are a few recent pics, including Halloween, and fun videos of Logan for all to enjoy. We had our FIRST family pictures taken, if you don't include the cartoon street drawing we had done last Christmas, so I'll have some of those up soon, too.

A rare shot of Logan and his mom.

At the zoo with Grandma. Check out Logan's face in reaction to that little chick. Priceless.

Logan was pointing something out, but all I could think was how cute this dumbo costume was.

The ward Halloween party. I looked just like Adam-we were going for the last minute, throw your costume together and try to look like a pumpkin costume, but we ended up being creepy. One kid thought we were the scary clowns from the movie Dumbo, that are mean to him, and actually hit Adam in the stomouch before running away. Hmmmmm...we'll have to plan ahead next year.:)

Here's our cute little boy trying on my jacket. The next really quick video, we like to call "attack of the killer baby."

After a long day of activites and events, Adam and I thought it would be a good idea to sit down and ask Logan how he felt his day went and for his thoughts and feelings. He was more than willing to share.