Friday, July 25, 2008

A Walk Down Memory Lane.....

I really enjoy this tag

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. I will revisit your blog and leave a memory as well!! Happy Memory making!!


Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl said...

Oh Ginny! I have so many memories of you! I don't even know where to begin. I think one of my favorite memories was when you came back to New Jersey for a visit. You and I planned a surprise party for Stephanie. Well then Stephanie wanted to through a surprise party for you. She totally thought that the party was for you until she walked in.

Another great memory was when we went to DC together. I remember the car ride, me in the same car as the dog! Remember how we had to keep Maggie in a different row then me. I remember Suzanne getting her hair tangled in the round brush!

I have so many wonderful memories. Luckily my mom was snap happy and I have a lot of pictures to go with it. Remember the time you, me, David and Bryant got pictures done. I love our goofy picture!

Stephanie said...

Hi Ginny!

Thanks for finding my blog. It's great to see your blog and to see what you guys are up to.

Let's see...for my memory of Ginny, the first thing that popped into my head was that you were my visiting teacher, so I guess I will put that. I always enjoyed having you guys come over! Good times.

jeremy and steph said...

My memories of Ginny Lu include running and really working so hard in aerobics :) what were we, the fab four or something really intimidating, being glad to have another not so scandalous friend when going to eat at places like hooters and buca de beppo, planning amazing double dates, getting stranded on the side of the road on one such fun double date, early morning seminary, plain old good times :) Ginny you are fun! guys should move to Arizona :)

Eric and Brynn said...

First things that pop into my head are Sunday nights: Hand and Foot games with homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies! We really miss hanging out with you two. Come for a visit!
Love ya,

Robyn said...

The first thing that comes to mind is the story you told me while we were in Chicago about the scooby-doo guy...Ruh-roh. So funny!!! Mike and I laugh at that all the time!

I also remember having a good time laughing & reminiscing with you after G.G.'s funeral. Awww, good memories.

Marianne and Matt said...

I will always remember the pickle jar juice at the pickle play house. I still can't belive you drank the whole jar of juice.....that was amazing! I am even more surprised that you didn't throw up after!! You really were such a fun person to be around. I know Matt really enjoyed that summer working for USU because of all of the fun you guys would all have together!! I also remember feeling very welcome by you everytime I would come around while you were all working. And I too, was so EXCITED to find out you were pregnant, just from the few times I was around you I just knew you would be the best mom!!